Education in Our Networked Future

Education in Our Networked Future

As we enter the Connected Age, our education systems are increasingly falling short. We have carefully crafted and refined the education system, schools, vocational colleges and secular universities, but they are edifices of different age.

There are three reasons why I say so.

First, we have moved from time of information scarcity to information abundance. Today’s challenge is not to access information, but to check its credential and to be able to use it in context. But our prescriptive education is mostly about ‘knowing’ things rather than ‘discovery’. The school system is designed to discourage inventiveness and questioning. The students are still required to write memorized answers rather than Googling the facts and building independent or collaborative coursework.

Moreover, the education system today is built as Value Chain systems. The focus is on the Process, and the whole ideis to add value to student who turns up at the beginning …

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How to Write a Tutorial That Makes Your Readers Smarter

How to Write a Tutorial That Makes Your Readers Smarter

One of the most shared types of content online is the tutorial. Teaching your blog’s audience to complete a task not only establishes you as an expert, it also makes your readers smarter and more loyal.

How-to articles are only useful if they’re understandable, though, so let’s talk about how to write amazing tutorials.

Start With the Very Basics

Bloggers make the mistake of assuming their readers know where to start. The result is a tutorial that’s too complicated for beginners to understand, or that is unhelpful because it starts in the wrong place.

Pretend that your reader is an absolute beginner on your topic, and start with the very first step needed to achieve a goal. For example, if you’re writing a tutorial about using WordPress, start with logging into the WordPress admin dashboard and go from there

A good proofreading technique it is to pretend that you’re explaining …

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Parents Who Take Their Kids To School

Parents Who Take Their Kids To School

It is either an honor or a chore to be responsible for dropping your kids off at school. The choice is truly yours. Strive to do things to capitalize on this time with your kids. This article applies to both moms and dads who take their kids to school. How many of you have friends with kids older than yours? What’s the single most popular piece of advice you get from them? With me it’s; “Take advantage of each  grow up so quick”! Other times it is “Spend as much time as you can because tomorrow may never come”.

With that said I try to enjoy the very short trip to school with my daughter Cheyenne. I keep the radio off and talk to her about her school day. She enjoys her school but I know the days can be long so I try to plant reminder seeds of the …

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The Dietrich College Of Arts & Sciences Undergraduate Studies

general educationA GED or General Education Diploma is often also called a General Education Improvement plan. Young kids had been taught the worth of the Constitution, the book was referred to as “Catechism on the Constitution.” Early Americans knew that they had a unique and invaluable invention of political science and they had been determined to market it on all levels of education.

Then, a teacher can customize instruction by supplying effective activities primarily based on what is accessible to the teacher and what the ELL can do. If teachers want ELLs to succeed just like their native English speaking peers, they need to have to be prepared a wide selection of finding out choices.

General education teachers need encouragement, guidance and help to see the positive aspects of collaborating with ESL teachers and vis-versa. Since Keller’s time, specific educational curriculums and schools have drastically advanced. Let’s appear at the general …

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