The Benefits Of Edtech To Our Students

The Benefits Of Edtech To Our Students

Edtech has been changing the way we learn for a long time. But now, it’s taking over classrooms in a big way. And for good reason. The benefits of edtech are many, but there are five main ones that stand out above all others: efficiency, skipping the middleman, multidisciplinary skills, internet speed and connectivity. Let’s take a closer look at each benefit in more detail!

Efficient Learning

Education technology is helping students learn more efficiently.

Students can now learn at their own pace, in their own time and at their own place. This way of learning allows them to engage with the material in a more effective way that builds on previous knowledge while advancing new concepts as well.

Skipping the Middleman

The benefits of edtech are many, but one of the biggest is that it allows us to skip the middleman. Teachers can teach students directly and students can …

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Managing EdTech Growth

Managing EdTech Growth

As a founder of a fast-growing EdTech company, you are constantly thinking about growth. It’s your job to keep the business moving forward, and more than that—to make sure it keeps moving forward as efficiently and effectively as possible. But how do you manage this process? What does it even mean to “manage” growth? And what should you be focusing on right now?

In this article, I’ll share some lessons learned from my own experience managing the growth of an EdTech company called Instructure (formerly Pluralsight) over the past few years. Hopefully they can help you navigate the choppy waters of growing your own business!

Growth is hard.

Growth is a challenge. It can be good, but it can also be bad. You need to manage growth so that you are making the most of the opportunities that come with it and not being overwhelmed by them.

To manage your …

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Adapting Teaching Techniques To Support Stem

Adapting Teaching Techniques To Support Stem

STEM education is a growing field, and for good reason. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering and math, and it’s a broad subject that encompasses many different areas of study. It allows students to explore their interests in inventive ways, but it can also be difficult to teach effectively without boring the class. Here are some tips on how teachers can adapt their teaching techniques when teaching STEM subjects:

Introduce concepts in a way that is relevant for students.

  • Make sure the lesson is relevant to students.
  • Use examples that students can relate to.
  • Teach in a way that interests the students and their learning style, not yours!

Use hands-on activities to teach content.

Hands-on activities are engaging for students. Students learn better when they interact with the content, and hands-on activities provide an opportunity for students to do just that. Hands-on learning can be used to teach STEM concepts, …

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Edtech Job Board

Edtech Job Board

The edtech field is growing, and there are plenty of jobs available for qualified professionals.

Job titles

  • Job titles in edtech
  • Why edtech jobs are so varied
  • Examples of job titles

As you can see, there’s a lot of variety when it comes to the types of jobs available. The skills required for these positions are also quite different from one another, so you’ll want to weigh your options carefully when deciding which type of position is right for your career goals and interests.

Sample job descriptions

  • Job title
  • Company name
  • Location

For example: “Sr. Manager, Education Technology” or “Director of Product Development, Edtech Company.” Depending on your industry, you may also include a job description in the title field. For example: “Sr. Manager, Education Technology – Developing new products and features for our learning platform.”

What jobs are available in the edtech field?

Edtech jobs are available in a …

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Preliminaries Toward Defining The Stem Curriculum For High School

Preliminaries Toward Defining The Stem Curriculum For High School

STEM is the acronym for science, technology, engineering, and math. STEM education has been touted as a critical component of America’s future economic success. The goal of STEM education is to give students a strong foundation in these disciplines so that they can pursue them further in college or even as part of their careers. A study by McKinsey & Company shows that by 2020 there will be about 2 million unfilled jobs in STEM fields due to a lack of qualified applicants coming out of high school. This means that many students who want to pursue careers in this area may not have the opportunity if they don’t get enough exposure early on.

What is STEM?

STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. It’s a broad term that encompasses many disciplines–such as computer science and physical sciences–and even though it’s become synonymous with “STEM education”, STEM …

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