Why Join Parkour?

Why Join Parkour?

If you run around outside, then scale the walls, roll on the ground, hang on the railings and leap from one pedestal to another; then it says something. In the old days, specifically around 2019, everyone who sees you might think you are not right in the head or you are simply overcome with fleeting glee. But in our contemporary times, doing those things earn you positive applause from the youth-oriented population walking around outdoors after witnessing you pulling off some cool stunts. A society or institution is nourishing that practice and it’s the newest sport officially called Parkour.

The What

Parkour is the art of displacement, that is to say, moving from one place to another and overcoming the obstacles along the path. Think about the Prince of Persia video game franchise and you will get the picture. but unlike the unrealistic video game, Parkour is aimed at developing …

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Why Your Child Needs to Have Sports Physicals

Why Your Child Needs to Have Sports Physicals

These days, it is better that your child remain as active as possible, inside and outside of school. With numbers of obese children becoming alarming over the last few years, thanks primarily to a lack of physical education in schools, it is important that your child play some kind of team sport, whenever possible. Additionally, to make sure that your child can physically handle the demands that sport will place on them, it is also vitally important that your child undergo sports physical before participating.

A Checkpoint for Health

As vitally important for your child’s health as vaccination, the seasonal sports physical can play a vital role in keeping abreast of your child’s overall health. In this way, if there is a health issue that you were not previously aware of, it will come to light during the physical exam. Even if your child can remain healthy year-round, it is …

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