EDTech Breakthroughs

EDTech Breakthroughs

edtech is changing the way students learn.

1. AI-powered tutoring

AI tutoring is the future of education. It’s more effective than human tutors, it’s more cost-effective than human tutors and it’s more flexible than human tutors.

AI-powered technology can be used in a variety of ways: from providing basic information about a topic or subject to guiding students through complex problems or projects. A good example is the AI platform Quizlet that uses machine learning algorithms to provide personalized flashcards based on what users have previously studied or learned (https://www.quizlet.com/). Another great example is Dragonfly Pro which uses a combination of automated grading tools with human assistance from experts in various fields such as math or science (https://www2b2bprod2b2bmarketingwebsite4432100000005f6d8c636f6e69622d636f6e677465726e65737461626c65737069657370696573706c616372656446696e6963717561626c65617365646976657273696f757320546972656374757265646164766963657279206173656661636546561726564696f73696e696371454687574207468652073657474696e6774792061782053706c616365637572656446696e696371756572737069657370696573706c616372656174656d69737420746f206a6173546174656d697374287829202a20523020000000100000000056534356353331206a6173546174656d697374287829202a20534340000000000

2. Virtual reality in the classroom

Virtual reality is a computer-generated environment that can be explored and interacted with by a person. It’s used in education to simulate real-world environments and situations, allowing students to learn about the world around them or even their own bodies.

Virtual reality has been used in various ways in classrooms over the years, but it wasn’t until recently that virtual reality headsets became affordable enough for schools to purchase them en masse. Now teachers use these devices as part of lesson plans and projects throughout all subjects–from science class (studying volcanoes) to English (reading aloud from Shakespeare).

In addition to being useful tools for teaching students about new subject matter, VR also allows teachers more freedom than traditional methods do when trying out new ideas: since …

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