Higher Education Reform

education reformThere has been so significantly clamoring recently over reform in the education technique that it tends to make my head spin attempting to take in the whole conversation and attempt to recognize what specifically is becoming mentioned. State of Our Cities: Profiles of Education Performance About the Nation offers comparable education data on much more than one hundred cities across the nation and permits customers to make comparisons at the state, national, and global level so that mayors, policymakers, and the public can engage far more vigorously in education decision-creating in their regional communities.

Tackling big education problems largely took a backseat until Snyder spent most of 2015 and half of 2016 convincing the Republican-controlled Legislature to rescue Detroit Public Schools from its $617 million debt, which posed a threat to the state’s credit rating.

This post has been updated: a) to clarify a point about teacher-salary incentives for preserving …

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