Admission to Higher Education in Private Higher Education

Admission to Higher Education in Private Higher Education

Admission to private tertiary institutions is usually very selective and high level commitment is usually expected from GCSE and A-level students; However, this allows independent tertiary institutions to maintain high standards, so they can offer their students a stimulating environment that is conducive to achieving the best grades and earning acceptance at the best universities in the UK, such as Oxford and Cambridge.

Students who want to get a place at a private tertiary institution to prepare for the sixth level / level A and the GCSE exam will usually be asked to fill out an application form. In addition, they will be asked to provide copies of the latest academic reports, or predictions of GCSE scores. For A-level or GCSE students abroad, a personal statement describing students’ achievements, interests and ambitions regarding further education can also be requested.

Students will then be asked to attend an interview; for some …

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Adult Education As a Key to Improving Your Situation

Adult Education As a Key to Improving Your Situation

The world is still feeling the effects of the global financial crisis as tens of thousands of people in the developed economy have been left without a job. And while we wait for a recovery, a new study about adult education in Ireland suggests that flexible learning could be the key to improving your situation during the recession.

Over the past thirty years, education reform has transformed higher education in Ireland by making it more accessible for the general public. During this time, the needs of adult students have also dramatically changed. In order to remain relevant, institutes offering adult education in Ireland have been forced to adapt in order to become more flexible to cater for the needs of their students.

Educational institutions that offer flexible part-time courses provide adults who want to further their education with real opportunities for increased choice, convenience and personalisation when it comes to …

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