How to Write a Tutorial That Makes Your Readers Smarter

How to Write a Tutorial That Makes Your Readers Smarter

One of the most shared types of content online is the tutorial. Teaching your blog’s audience to complete a task not only establishes you as an expert, it also makes your readers smarter and more loyal.

How-to articles are only useful if they’re understandable, though, so let’s talk about how to write amazing tutorials.

Start With the Very Basics

Bloggers make the mistake of assuming their readers know where to start. The result is a tutorial that’s too complicated for beginners to understand, or that is unhelpful because it starts in the wrong place.

Pretend that your reader is an absolute beginner on your topic, and start with the very first step needed to achieve a goal. For example, if you’re writing a tutorial about using WordPress, start with logging into the WordPress admin dashboard and go from there

A good proofreading technique it is to pretend that you’re explaining …

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How To Find The Best Accredited Online Degree Programs

How To Find The Best Accredited Online Degree Programs

Today, there is no shortage of online schools. Most offer students a much greater level of flexibility and control than traditional educational establishments. If you are to invest funds and energy into studying for a degree, you should ensure that the school you are planning to enroll in has been accredited by a recognized agency. Accreditation is only provided to those schools and colleges that have met specific standards in terms of quality of education and access to facilities.

Finding an accredited online degree program is actually quite easy. If you were to search online for just ten minutes, you will be provided with countless options. It is not so far fetched to suggest that in the near future, there will be more online schools in operation than bricks and mortar establishments.

It can be useful to develop an understanding as to the different types of accreditation institutions. To keep …

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