Preliminaries Toward Defining The Stem Curriculum For High School

Preliminaries Toward Defining The Stem Curriculum For High School

STEM is the acronym for science, technology, engineering, and math. STEM education has been touted as a critical component of America’s future economic success. The goal of STEM education is to give students a strong foundation in these disciplines so that they can pursue them further in college or even as part of their careers. A study by McKinsey & Company shows that by 2020 there will be about 2 million unfilled jobs in STEM fields due to a lack of qualified applicants coming out of high school. This means that many students who want to pursue careers in this area may not have the opportunity if they don’t get enough exposure early on.

What is STEM?

STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. It’s a broad term that encompasses many disciplines–such as computer science and physical sciences–and even though it’s become synonymous with “STEM education”, STEM was originally an initiative by President Barack Obama in 2009 to encourage more students to pursue careers in these fields.

STEM is not just about learning about science; it also involves using scientific methods like experimentation or observation when solving problems. In addition to being used in schools and colleges across the country (including yours!), there are several organizations dedicated specifically towards helping young people learn more about STEM topics through hands-on activities like rocket launches!

The importance of STEM education

STEM education is important for economic growth. STEM fields are growing at a faster rate than other fields, and they’re expected to continue doing so over the next decade. STEM jobs are also some of the highest-paying in America, with an average annual salary between $80k and $120k per year depending on what field you choose (compared to an average annual salary of about $50k for non-STEM jobs).

STEM education is important for national security. In order for America to remain competitive on the world stage, we need more people who can help innovate new technologies and develop solutions that will allow us to solve problems faster than our enemies can create them–and all this requires strong STEM skillsets!

STEM education is important for personal development: learning how things work helps us understand how things go wrong when something breaks down; being able to think critically allows us ask questions when something doesn’t seem right; being able to communicate clearly makes it easier to explain complex concepts clearly so others can understand them too…these are all skills that apply beyond just one field or industry into many different areas including business management roles where communication skills are critical components of success!

Goals of STEM education

STEM education is meant to prepare students for the future. STEM education gives students a well-rounded education, teaching them how to think critically and helping them learn how to learn.

What are the benefits of STEM?

STEM education is important for all students, not just those who are going to pursue a career in science or technology. STEM education gives students the skills they need to be successful in their chosen fields and beyond.

STEM education also helps students develop habits of mind that will serve them throughout their lives:

  • Curiosity: STEM subjects encourage curiosity by providing opportunities for exploration, investigation, problem solving and discovery
  • Creativity: STEM subjects encourage creativity by encouraging students to think outside the box when approaching problems or challenges
  • Collaboration: Collaboration among peers is essential in many aspects of everyday life–from getting along with coworkers at the office; resolving conflicts at home; building friendships through shared interests

How do we get the greatest benefit from our STEM education?

The goal of STEM education is to prepare students for the workforce. Therefore, it should be integrated into courses across the curriculum and be hands-on, engaging and relevant to students’ interests and needs.

Does it really matter what we teach in our high school science classes if students aren’t going to pursue a career in science?

STEM education is important for all students. STEM education teaches students to think critically and creatively, to be good citizens, to be good communicators and problem solvers. Students who have been exposed to a well-rounded STEM curriculum are prepared for college and career success.

STEM courses are not just for future scientists or engineers; they help prepare every student for success in their future careers by teaching them skills that will be useful regardless of what career path they choose (or whether they choose not pursue further education).

Students should all have access to a rigorous and engaging science curriculum, even if it’s not for future careers in science.

The STEM curriculum is important for all students. It should not just be reserved for those who wish to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math fields. The benefits of a strong STEM education go beyond helping students develop skills that are useful in these areas–the ability to think critically about the world around you and solve problems with curiosity and creativity will help every student succeed later in life.

STEM education is important for all students, even if they aren’t going to pursue careers in science. We need more people who understand the world around them so that we can make informed decisions about our future and protect ourselves from natural disasters like earthquakes or hurricanes. This means that everyone needs access to a rigorous and engaging science curriculum–not just those who plan on pursuing careers in this field!